
Bank accounts

Oversee all account balances in real-time from over 1500 European Banks. If you notice a in-group cash crunch you can transfer funds immediately from our platform.

Modern banking

Corporate banking simplified

Cash pool

We have a unique alternative to the traditional cash pool offered by most banks. Our solution does not require any additional onboarding moment and you can be up and running in just a few minutes for multiple companies, markets and banks.

Payment initiation

Initiate payments directly from our platform for increased financial operational efficiency. Currently only in-group payments, debt repayments and tax payments supported. Payments can be booked both as one-offs or recurring.

Simple onboarding

You onboard and sync your bank accounts simply by authenticating to your bank as you normally would – you can add up to hundreds of accounts in under an hour. After authentication balances are synced in real-time for 180 days.

Purpose-built UX

Open Banking regulations let us build our own banking services on top of your current bank solution. We deliver a custom-built experience for corporate groups that makes it easy to integrate all your accounts you have access to in one view.

Interested in what we do? Don’t hesitate toContact us

Frequently asked questions

How does initiating payments work?

With the Banking module, you can easily initiate internal transfers within your group structure or to your tax accounts. The permissions are the same as if you were to book the payment in your online bank.

What functionalities does the Banking module offer?

The Banking module provides real-time synchronization of bank accounts, transactions, and cash-flow forecasts, enabling efficient management of your banking activities within the real estate group.