
Collateral Administration

Manage all your collateral obligations and get instant reporting for pledged shares, guarantees and deed of trusts for financial report statements or bank covenant reporting.

Collateral Administration Ledger

For all your collateral arrangements, available at an instant

Trust deeds

Keep an updated ledger of issued Trust Deeds and to which beneficiary they are pledged. Simplify financial reporting by connecting collaterized debt and pledged trust deeds. Optimize lending by not overissuing.


Manage your guarantee arrangements regardless of bank. Support for partial guarantees, Joint Venture split guarantees, parent company guarantor and external guarantors such as owners or other stakeholders.

Share collateral

Keep track of collaterized shares. By syncing with the public registers you can get the amount of shares and share type, so you easily can keep track of exactly which shares are collaterized. Stay compliant for audit and financial reports.

Account Deposits

If you need to put down an account deposit or recieve a deposit for a financial contract you can keep them in a ledger at Onefin. With our banking integrations we can integrate the deposit account directly from source.

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