
Debt portfolio

Efficiently manage your debt portfolio with Onefin. Gain real-time visibility of your loans, swaps, derivatives, bonds, and other financial obligations. Identify and mitigate risks by having full control of maturities, counterpart exposure & interest rate exposure

Debt portfolio

Fully operational debt ledger for all kinds of financing terms

Debt Ledger

Onefin's Debt Ledger module allows you to efficiently track and manage your financial obligations, including external & internal loans, credit facilities & market positions. Monitor and reconcile repayment schedules.

Accrued Interest

Get an up-to-date view of accrued interest on all your debt positions. When it is time to settle the interest you can either choose to pay in full, pay partly, leave accrued or compound it on the current balance.

Market Rates

Floating loans with a market reference rates from STIBOR, CIBOR, NIBOR, EURIBOR and SONIA are automatically updated. No extra input after saving the term sheet for the loans except for reconciling against your bank transactions.

Loan repayments

By syncing your loan data in Onefin you get an overview of all upcoming loan payments. Loan repayments for floating loans are based on forecasted market rates available in the cash forecasting budget.

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